Wednesday, 16 April 2014


(I should start by apologizing that this part is coming late.  I have been occupied with a lot of things, work, deadlines, etc. etc and I have been doing more of talking than writing… I’m sorry I kept you waiting this long. You can check below to read the first part of this story. Apologies accepted, right? Thank you. Plenty love!)

Well, I knew I was going to face my fear.

I stood up and a surge of determination rose up in me. It was time to test for HIV. I walked up to the local testing centre (NACA) at Obafemi Awolowo University, my heart skipping beats at regular intervals.

I entered the building and was directed to a young man who was going to do HIV Counseling and Testing (HCT) for me; I smiled widely at him, though behind the smile, I was thinking “God, it won’t be funny if I have HIV oh”.

He ushered me to a seat and asked “Young woman, that was a pretty smile…. have we met before now?”
 I replied, “Sir, I smiled because I’m afraid, I don’t know you”. His look showed he was very surprised at the sharp answer I gave.

I went through the counseling session and proceeded to do the test, my most dreaded testthat moment was the longest 3 minutes of my life so far. Events played in my mind as my blood ran up the paper strip. The counselor asked, “Simi, what will you do if you test positive?” That question rang in my mind and I can hear it as loud in my mind as it was when he asked me. It rings till now.

I consider myself as somebody who life has taught to always be on the ATTACK-I have played DEFENSE quite well to understand that it doesn’t workthe best approach to life is to face it and fight! If I tested positive to HIV that day, though it would have been hard, but I strongly think that would have been the beginning of  a new positive restructuring and strategizing of my life.

Life, I have learnt is about making juices from bitter situations; it’s about drawing strength from the past and moving on; it’s about impact; about relevance; about influence. Life doesn’t end with a doctor’s report…..not even an HIV result.

So, here's my summary- please go for HIV test and know your status; Face your fears like I did, let's get on the attack. In case you need some help, a word of encouragement, a push, someone who truly understands your fears, your pains and concernsplease contact me on

Hmmm....I care huh?.                               

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