Wednesday, 15 January 2014


… And so it happens that I meet people and my defenses come up, and my heart screams “this one also wants to hurt me”. Frankly speaking, these people come on a solely platonic basis, seeking friendship, just pure friendship and I go like “What exactly does this one want?” Do you know that feeling? It’s a feeling that comes when you become a jailer in the prison you have put yourself, when you suspect everybody and make your life a ”Red zone”. Maybe yours is not that bad, you just have erected some solid bars round your life due to your experiences, bars so solid and strong that even the strongest of people cannot break through. You know, they tell us experience is the best teacher. I don’t exactly agree with this because though experience may do some teaching, it could leave scars and pains that may never be recovered from… Believe me; the best teachers will always leave you better, not in an irrecoverable state as some experiences do.
So, let’s go… this is what I think:
·      Trust is a risk: When we trust, we allow some outcomes of our life go out of our control and partly or completely into the control of someone else, on whose faithfulness and ability we have chosen to rely on. Trust is a risk we must take at some points in life. Permit me to call it a “necessary risk”.
·      Man is frail: An adage says the best of man is still man… People fail sometimes, people slip sometimes and people disappoint sometimes. We’re all human and are prone to errors. The fact that a particular person fails or misplaces our trust does not mean one should stop trusting.
·      Vulnerability is beautiful: Contrary to how it looks sometimes, especially as concerns trust, it takes strength to be vulnerable…. weak people are actually the ones that always play defensive in all their dealings; strong people get on the attack! Being vulnerable is breaking through the solid bars of defense and getting  on the attack, ready to take the big risk of trusting!

So if you ask me, I’m ready to take risks again, I’m ready to jump, I’m ready to fly and I'm ready to trust again! Are you?


  1. Trust??? Was dead a long time ago..

    1. a couple of bad experiences will never deny the existence of a good one... many people have given up on TRUST because of such experiences...
      we often blame the people that broke our trust which indeed is expected, but the problem really is WE PUT OUR TRUST IN THE WRONG PEOPLE...
      i believe that every person has a trust worthy friend around him/her...its just that a lot of people don't recognize them...
      Simi, well said...even dry bones can surely rise...

    2. Hmmmnn....I strongly agree with you Favy, that's very true

  2. Wow!...exactly the conclusions I anticipated...U'r blessed! Imagine wht u'll do for Jesus...

  3. Keep up the good work maam. Great Job!

  4. i wouldn't have said it any better......
    Great words...

  5. I trust screw up when given the chance. :D

  6. Just want us to be better/further along and my frustration really came through that day..
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