Saturday, 13 February 2016

They are part of us

Gboyega Bisileko, this is for you and for every other person who has seen a 'gap' that should be filled.

Go ahead, meet that need; fill that gap!


The cycle of dawn ends
Unmasking the reign of shades
Then rouse daughters of the night
Plying their flesh-art trade
Scantily clad
Provocative in their poses

I saw them at night
A starry night of lights
Incandescencehues of red
And in sorrow I’m bowed
Transported to another world
Another place…yet another picture

Where these ones are worthy matriarchs
Moulding policy from cradles
Pioneering souls
Blazing thought paths anew
And then I know
To them must dignity be restored
They are part of us…….

Aye !!! They are us.


  1. Thoughtful, Touching, a heart of gold, Simi.


    What then shall we say to these things?
    How did they stray so far
    From the light that was within their soul
    To the lights on the streets
    Pulling them down?

    But we shall not look away
    We shall cover their nakedness
    And teach their minds a new light
    Give them depth beneath their skin and curves
    And give them a new life, a home

    If tomorrow they turn around
    And with a smile allow the tears to roll
    We shall cry with them
    And laugh afterwards
    And thank the heavens for the new light —within
    These are our sisters and daughters
    They are part of us.


  2. wow, great @simi and @T.I.M, they are part of us, we'll do our best
