Wednesday, 16 April 2014


(I should start by apologizing that this part is coming late.  I have been occupied with a lot of things, work, deadlines, etc. etc and I have been doing more of talking than writing… I’m sorry I kept you waiting this long. You can check below to read the first part of this story. Apologies accepted, right? Thank you. Plenty love!)

Well, I knew I was going to face my fear.

I stood up and a surge of determination rose up in me. It was time to test for HIV. I walked up to the local testing centre (NACA) at Obafemi Awolowo University, my heart skipping beats at regular intervals.

I entered the building and was directed to a young man who was going to do HIV Counseling and Testing (HCT) for me; I smiled widely at him, though behind the smile, I was thinking “God, it won’t be funny if I have HIV oh”.