First, Happy New Year.
Each time a new year comes, I am reminded that one of the 'simple joys' of life is having new beginnings. If you ask me to define 'new', I'll define it as 'never existing before'- this consequently means life
itself presents us with fresh opportunities to do things we have never done before.
May God help us to do new things, go new places and do new stuff this year
Second, He won it for the 5th time! Like, H.e w.o.n i.t f.o.r t.h.e f.i.f.t.h t.i.m.e!!!
I was about to trip for him when I remembered my new year resolution not to trip in vain.
Funnily, I don't agree with the text on the picture above.
Messi is human
...very human
sef. He was asked in a Guardian story how he was able to get so good. He said:
'First of all you've got to love the game'. How much? 'Well, from the age of three I played every day: every morning, afternoon and night. Inside the house, too
...I'd break things. My mum would go mad...'
Dassit!!! Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice and more Practice. However, I am quickly reminded that you cannot take God out of any success story. Things don't randomly happen, there's a planner behind the scenes- GOD.
I congratulate him on this unbelievable feat and I think he got a beautiful wife to match the
Ballon d'Or *TeethySmile*
Cheers to the New Year.